Monday, 30 January 2012

Thriller analysis; Source Code - Danielle Driscoll

The opening starts with a BCU of a man whose situated to the left
of the frame showing he's leaning against some a window.
The audience can also hear off screen contrapuntal sound of a
helicopter and shooting which doesn't add up with what we can
see, however, it looks as though the character is dreaming,
therefore it is diegetic. BCU is used to show the characters
facial expressions when they wake up to the sound of a train horn,
used as a sound bridge, showing confusion as the camera pans from
left to right. All of this raises enigma as to who he is, where is he, and
why is he there? - a key element in thrillers.

MCU is used to show enough of the character to give the audience an
idea of the role he might be playing - formally dressed (shirt, tie, jacket),
showing he is upper class. He's also wearing a gold watch denoting
wealth. Dialogue is used too, 'god damn it', suggesting he is late, as he
looks at his watch. Enigma is raised as to who he is and is he of any
importance in the film?
Here we see a L2S and we hear diegetic sound of a ringtone. This also shows
the proximity of the two characters. The main source of light is the backlight
coming from outside (low key lighting), which creates shadows, making it
hard to see that characters facial expressions. 
2S is used here to show the proxemics between both characters. The backlight
shadows their faces and outlines them. Non-diegetic sounds starts to play
and seems to be parallel as it accompanies what we see on screen. There's a lot
of confusion and the music sounds eerie and helps balance out that key
element in thrillers; enigma, why is he saying he is someone different, what is
going on?


  1. good, I like the way that you have done this. Make comments on editing as well.

  2. Dani, i only see 3 posts from you on this. you have to do 5. The more you do the beter - it will help you when it comes to the planning of your own thriller.
