Thursday, 26 January 2012

Research Task Jaz

This is the open sequenc to se7en.

Mise en scene
  • The mise en scene in this opening works for a thriller as it shows many objects which cause the viewer to ask questions about the film. For example the opening shot, of a book, creates the quetion of the importance of the book as it is the first thing you see.

  •  The credits are written in an unusual, unrecognised typeface which creates the mood of the film as it gives specific connotations, and creates suspence.

  • This image is very powerfull. It is again unusual and most viewers would be confused as to its relevence and would again ask quetions as to the storyline of the film.  

Camera Work
  • The camera work is very important in this openning. There are seveal extreme close ups of objects which at times make it hard to identify them.

  • This image in particular gives the viewer no clue as to what the object is, this again creates suspenc and asks questions.

1 comment:

  1. You need to sort out your screen grabs - these are way too big - there is far more screen that image.

    It gives specific connotations - what connotations? It creates the mood of the film - what mood?

    This image is very powerful - Textual analysis?????? This extreme close up of a the characters finger tips and the prop of a razor blade suggest ......? The low key lighting and the discordant music also add to the disturbing mood. Why are we being shown this?

    The fact that you fins it difficult to see the objects, together with lighting (Low Key) and sound help create ENIGMA.
