Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thriller Analysis; Inception - Danielle Driscoll

CU, pan on waves to perhaps follow the path of the waves
to the character, also in slow motion to maybe give a sense
of consciousness. Diegetic sound, on screen, and high key
lighting. This raises questions as to where it is why.
CU are used a lot to capture the characters emotion
and facial expressions. This is important in thrillers, for the audience to emphasise how the character is feeling and creates an emotional attachment.
Tight framing is used to give restricted narration, so the characters identity is concealed.
An establishing shot is used to show where the
character is and create enigma as to why they are

Here we see a MLS of a young boy in slow motion, perhaps
suggesting it's a memory (flashback), the echo of the
dialogue also accompanies this. The focus pull could imply
going in and out of consciousnesses. It also raises
questions as to who the child is and why it is significant,
Mise en Scene:
The interior setting reflects the threat and eeriness it
may have later in the film, low key lighting also helps
create this mood.
The spin top creates enigma as we don't know what
exact power it has; props like this in thrillers are
important to keep the audience interested as to what
they mean.
A gun is shown under that mans coat to perhaps
give a sense that the character is bad.

CU is used to show the facial expression on the characters
face, as we can see he looks disorientated and has cuts on
face creating ambiguity. This raises questions as to why he is
 on the shore and why he has cuts on him. The camera also
 jilts left to right backing up the idea of confusion.
Diegetic sound is used for realism and helps create
mood. This is important in thrillers for the audience
to give emphasis to what the character is feeling.
Contrapuntal sound (music) is used when the
policeman shouts to the other policeman to enhance
the treat there might be.

A jump cut is used inside the building when the
man is brought into the room. This was used to
create tension, an important element in thrillers.
The sun is used as a back light to impose a silhouette,
making the man look like a villain; the low angle helps
achieve this.
Continuity is used to give a sense of realism and to
help it flow.

MCU - EXTLS, focus pulling is used when the older man
starts to talk as the distance between the two would make
it hard to do a shot reverse shot.

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